What is Tomato?
Tomatoes are part of the genetically modified fruit strategy, although they are frequently cooked and eaten as vegetables. Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are widely used in salads and in everyday Malaysian cooking. However, there are tomato types that can be processed into puree, sauces, and juices for canning.
The leaves of a pinat-shaped tomato tree contain 5-9 little leaves, each up to 8 cm long, with fibrous margins and a length of 10-25 cm. Both the stems and the leaves of the tomato are fairly fluffy. Lycopene, a carotenoid or natural chemical that gives tomatoes their red color and a number of natural antioxidant characteristics that are helpful for the body's health, is responsible for the red color of tomatoes.
Soil Conditioning
Suitable is planted in various types of soil including sand and peat soils. The soil must have a perfect drainage system and good ventilation.
Seed Planting
Tomato seeds are sprouted in a smaller poly bag before being transplanted to a bigger hole. The seed will germinate in 3 to 7 days, depending on the kind. Only the sturdiest and biggest tree kid should be moved. Tree offspring that aren't big enough should be rejected since their development rate will be slowed down later.
Tree planting
Make holes that are 3 to 3 inches deep with a hole distance of 2 feet or two feet. Carefully take the saplings from the polybag and plant them in holes ranging from 2 to 3 1/2 inches in diameter, depending on their size.
Fill Kambus with dirt and enough water to flush. To protect yourself from the sun's rays, drape yourself in a black net. A newborn tomato tree's offspring can be killed by the sun. To avoid the tomato tree withering, it is advisable to shift tomato trees in the evening. You may plant it in a suit by following the same methods as before.
Twice a day, flush the trees. The first time was early in the morning, and the second time was late at night. If the temperature grows too hot, the afternoon flush is barely moderate enough to revive the trees. Root rot may be prevented by ensuring that holes or vases have enough drainage.
You can choose either to give an organic reading or chemical fertilization.
Tomato Tree Care
Stacking - The tree should constantly be kept upright to allow more sunshine to reach it. Use a stake and raffia rope to secure a tree trunk. Trees can be leaned up against the fence as well. Don't bet too high; just enough to be manageable.
Trim - In fact, tomato trees do not need to be pruned if the nutrients supplied to the trees are adequate. Trim the annoying or over-checked parts if necessary.
Managing trees - Leaves that have dried on the stems of tomato trees should be discarded. Scissor leaves that have dried.
Pest - To prevent pest infestation, make sure that the tree is in good health and supplied with sufficient water.
Disease - Tomato crops will often be attacked with withering diseases that cause trees to die. The disease is caused by bacteria present in the soil.
Benefits of Tomato
- Removing Warts or Chairperson
- Taking Care of the Cancer
- Cleansing the skin of the face
- Treating Acne
- Healing Burning Skin
- Weight control
- Eye Health
- Helps with Sleep Problems
- Shrinking Pores on the Face
- Reduce Acne
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